I will however also explain all the lovely options withing teamspeak servers. This tutorial will be for the ones that want a teamspeak server fast & easy without any extra’s. Since then I have been maintaining tutorials on DO for setting up Teamspeak servers. I recently got a PM asking me to publicize it a little bit, so here we are.Two years ago, someone asked me to write a tutorial about how to setup a teamspeak server on Ubuntu 15.04. I set up this server a little while back. If you have a problem, complaint, or curiosity, please feel free to ask a server admin or moderator. Don't yell, sing, hold down your talk button, play music, harass other users, that kind of thing. In particular, if you're discussing something unrelated to Kerbal Space Program that other users aren't interested in, this is fineâ€â€just do it in another channel. If you and a group want to discuss something else, move to a different channel out of consideration for other guests. If you have a high-quality microphone and no background noise, you may request an account that lets you use voice activation.

The server's been getting more traffic over the last few days, and voice activation is problematic with more than a handful of users. This isn't mandatory, but it helps everyone to recognize each other. There's occasionally some cursing, but feel free to ask people to clean up their language or move to another channel. If you're calm and considerate, we'll have a great timeâ€â€and that goes for older folks, too. We care about your behavior, not the pitch of your voice. We have adult and young users alike, and everyone's welcome. Narrate a livestream! Launch an expedition to slay the Space Kraken Cthulu! Come on in and celebrate your latest achievements, or ask for help. The community voice server is open for Kerbal engineers of all explosive talent. If you're still having trouble, make sure you're using the latest version of Teamspeak3.) (If the connection link above doesn't work, open the Connections menu, click Connect, and enter the hostname above in the "Server Address" field.